New Release! Twilight’s Curse

So it’s been a while. The summer was good but a bit challenging with work commitments and I wasn’t able to get around to as many blog posts as I was doing earlier this year. However, I have read some interesting books, so some book reviews should be coming soon!

That aside, I was able to dive a bit deeper into my writing: fiction and non-fiction endeavors and am pleased to announce the release of: Twilight’s Curse: Book 1 in the Twilight Realm Series!

It is set in a land governed by elves and is a Young Adult fantasy filled with memorable characters, a slow burn clean romance, magic, dragons and fighting.

This book will be available for purchase on Amazon for .99cents this Friday, October 22nd, but you can pre-order it as well.

Order on Amazon

I’m really excited about this series. It began with a picture of a girl with tattoos of daggers on her forearms. The daggers detach from her skin and she’d use them to fight. It took a bit of time for me to work out the ideas but now not only is book one, Twilight’s Curse, complete, but so are books 2 and 3. (The sequels will be out in 2022! Editing does take time.)

Please check out this amazing preview page. It includes the book blurb as well as the first chapter.


Take a moment to upvote the book while visiting the page. This will really help to increase advertising opportunities.

Thanks so much for your support and I hope you enjoy the read!

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(Picture created with Canva)

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